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What we do

We offer tailored learning and development programs for companies, teams, and professionals. Curious what we can do for you?

1. Visiting lecturer - Bring us in

Would you like to strengthen your educational program with a fresh and professional outsider’s perspective? We represent a large variety of professionals from the work field, that we can introduce to your students. We believe it’s best to do this for at least 2 or 3 workshops, so we can also get to know the students and support them in applying the tools we offer.

Lena as a lecturer guiding a workshop with the client.
Presenting all the insights the student came up with.

2. Partnership - Co-create your vision

In a partnership we co-design the most suitable form of education together in order to get most out of both your teaching staff and our work field professionals. Since all parties step into their own strength, this is where the magic happens: teachers are given the opportunity to focus on educating, whilst designers offer the designers perspective on the case. We co-design the program and create an effective partnership, but you will still be in the lead of the program.

3. Turnkey - Full-service program

If you would prefer us to take the reins of the entire project, then we suggest requesting a turnkey project. In these projects we organise everything from start to finish. From coaches to clients and from locations to working methods: Fundamentals is an experienced partner in fully organising and executing educational design projects. As a client, you will be completely unburdened in turnkey projects.

Students discussing their new found research to come up with a new concept.

What can you expect from working with our team?

Creative way of working

Our processes often include typical creative ways of working. We build customer journeys, prototypes, physical objects, or future explorations. Most of these methods involve talking to our users and stakeholders, and including them in our process. It all adds up to better understanding the project and coming up with more unique ideas. We also love to share this creative approach with your team, and invite you to join in and gain a deeper understanding of how you can use this.

Personal and professional growth

We are thrilled about growing together with the people we work with. To do this, we first like to get to know the people we work with. In addition, we offer Life Coaching within some projects. Mainly with our students this helps to ensure they are well supported in this phase of becoming a professional.

Fundamentals Community

Our team is very diverse. The Fundamentals Community is made up out of experienced designers and coaches, from junior creatives to seasoned professionals, experts, teachers, and researchers. This way, we always (almost always, at least) have the right person for the job. With a growing number of professionals and disciplines in our coach team, we are one of the most flexible design agencies around.

We work on building safe spaces together with our participants

How we do our projects


We understand that every project is unique, which is why we offer our services as facilitators to guide you through the process. As facilitators, our role is to help ensure that all team members have a voice and are able to contribute their unique insights and perspectives. Our team will provide guidance and support. We'll work with you to develop a clear roadmap for your project, keeping everyone on track and aligned with your goals.

Students acksing their target audience questions.


At our core, we believe that collaboration is key to achieving great results. That's why we're always excited to combine the expertise of our designers with the professionals from within your organization. Together, we'll work closely to understand your goals and desired outcomes, and come up with a way of working that fits your team, and therefore lasts. Our designers will bring their creativity and expertise to the table, working collaboratively with your professionals to develop innovative solutions that drive growth and success.

Our Academy

We specialize in designing (for) education. In collaboration with teachers, graduates and educational experts, we tailor learning experiences with content that is most relevant for our students. We believe that giving students a great education will prepare them for a brighter future. That is why we spend time getting to know them and building a safe space for them to work in, an environment that feels like home.

Together with the teachers, we determine the curriculum and design the ultimate environment in which students can learn and grow into creative professionals. We do this by coaching with our professionals from the workfield, working with actual clients, and focussing strongly on personal growth.

What people say

"Fundamentals is one of my main sources of inspiration each year.  It’s really important that students of vocational education and training (MBO) develop skills in creative thinking, but their standard curriculum lacks any focus on this. Anything goes during the Fundamentals ‘challenge week’: It’s a kind of Pippi Longstocking atmosphere where nothing is considered strange. My students often comment on how fun they thought it was and how different from their normal school experience."
Charlotte Verhagen
Nursing teacher at MBO Utrecht
"The network I developed during the Designer’s Identity program is invaluable. Thanks to my new connections I was given all sorts of opportunities and useful advice for my future. Almost everyone in my team has remained involved with Fundamentals, for example by working as a coach. We still see each other regularly. One thing always leads to another."
Anne Zeegers
Anne Zeegers, a former participant in the Designer’s Identity program
“The great thing about Fundamentals is that you get to deal with real clients and become involved in every aspect of the design process. For young professionals, this is the perfect steppingstone from school to a job.”
Jasper van 't Wel
Jasper van ’t Wel, a former student in the Co-Design Studio minor program

Some of our friends

Logo from Hogeschool Utrecht

Some of our programs

In our programs we use project-based learning, creative teaching methods, and we develop critical thinking. Read more about some of our programs here.

Designers Identity

For young professionals who are ready to go the extra mile, and are eager to develop their identity as a designer.

read more
Noortje writing down research from the field.

Co-Design Studio

Work in our inclusive & systemic design studio on real-life cases with professionals from the work field.

read more

Interested in learning more? Find out what we do at Fundamentals!

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Website by Xavier Lim & Mark Kingma